Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's day--may be too personal. :) Feel free to skip this one.

Since Valentine's day is fast approaching, I thought this might be a good time to express my love for my wonderful family. This may get a little sappy, but I would never want these people to wonder if I love them.

I was raised by parents who love me unconditionally. They taught me and gave me direction. When I disappointed them, they forgave me. When I succeeded, they celebrated. When I felt unsure, they were my cheering section. And their prayers were, and still are, constant and sustaining. I cannot express my gratitude in a way that even begins to show how I feel. I love them.

I'm married to an amazing man. We didn't love each other from the moment we met, but it didn't take long for me to recognize Mark's amazing heart. I don't take for granted the fact that I have someone to share my life with who I can love and trust and depend on. He is generous and wise. I admire and respect him. I hope that I tell him often enough how much I appreciate him. And I hope that I express through kindness and service how much I love him because I know how I feel, but he needs to know too and words sometimes don't seem adequate.

My life is full and my heart is too because of my children. I am so blessed to be their mom. There are a million things that I wish that I could teach them. I wish that I could take all the pain they will experience in life and protect them from it. I wish that they wouldn't have to feel sorrow or lonliness or fear. I wish that I could make them happy and secure. Unfortunately, that just isn't the way it works. I will do my best and I will try to be what they need me to be, but I will probably fall short. So I look back to my own parents' example hoping to find an answer. I guess the best thing I can do is pray for them. I hope the knowledge that I am pleading with the Lord in their behalf will give them courage and hope when they need it most. I want them to know that I love them more than they imagine.

I also am blessed with great siblings and a very large extended family of cousins, in-laws, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends. They are all dear to me and I count myself seriously lucky.

I wish that I could see all of the people that I love this Valentine's day. That would be one great party!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Why would anyone want to skip this one?? This is a great post. It's always so nice to read about a friend who loves so many...and so many love her!! {hugs}
